
Tutorial 2 - Exploring Core Taipy Components

8 steps

Now that you have tried your hand at working with Taipy layouts, we will look at Scenario Management in Taipy, a powerful feature for orchestrating data pipelines and managing workflows. You’ll learn how to define, configure, and execute scenarios that model complex tasks, and provide insights through what-if analysis. Through practical examples, you’ll explore how Taipy efficiently handles data nodes, tasks, and concurrency, enabling you to build applications that adapt to dynamic business requirements. At the end, you’ll be equipped to create workflows that streamline decision-making and optimize computational resources.

Helpful prior knowledge

Python syntax

Learning Outcomes

By the end of your learning, you will be able to:

  • Understand the core concepts of Taipy scenarios, including data nodes, tasks, and pipelines.
  • Configure and instantiate scenarios using Taipy's configuration module.
  • Implement and manage data nodes to handle data inputs and outputs effectively.
  • Design and execute tasks to process data dynamically and efficiently.
  • Create callbacks to handle user interactions and ensure seamless data flow between the front end and back end.

Tutorial Steps

Total steps: 8

  • Step 1: Understanding Scenarios in Taipy
  • Step 2: Setting Up the Environment
  • Step 3: Creating Sample Data and Filter
  • Step 4: Creating Data Nodes and Tasks
  • Step 5: Creating Scenarios
  • Step 6: Handling Callbacks
  • Step 7: Running our Application
  • Step 8: Conclusion

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