Tutorial 2 - Zod and Faker
4 steps
In this quest, you will learn Zod, a Typescript-first schema validation library, and faker, a data mocking library to produce false data for exploring and building API routes/endpoints. Once you grasp how to use zod-factory, a Typescript package that combines zod and faker, you will be ready to use the newly gained knowledge for Quest 3.
Let's continue and fire up your journey with Hono and Deno. 🔥 🦕
- Required to have finished Quest 1.
- Familiarity with Javascript and Typescript.
- A working development environment of VSCode.
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Helpful prior knowledge
- Required to have finished Quest 1.
- Familiarity with Javascript and Typescript.
- A working development environment of VSCode.
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:
- Create mock data using faker.
- Build type-safe schemas with zod.
- Integrate faker and zod to your API development for testing.
Tutorial Steps
Total steps: 4
Step 1: What is Zod and Faker
Step 2: Example Use Case | Pet Owner Data
Step 3: Example Use Case | Personal Details Data
Step 4: Stacking It Up!
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