
Tutorial 1 - What is Hono?

7 steps

In this tutorial, you will learn about Hono and compare some similarities and differences from other middleware frameworks such as Express and Oak.

During the tutorial, you will also prepare a project setup that you will use throughout the campaign. Therefore, this tutorial is a prerequisite for the subsequent quests.

The project setup will consist of a preparation of project structure, creating some example routes, and adding a Deno task. This will also allow us to experiment with some routes to be used throughout this campaign.

Let's dive in and learn about Hono 🔥


  • Recommended to have finished the Soar with Deno from Learn.
  • Familiarity with Javascript and Typescript.
  • A working development environment of VSCode.

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Helpful prior knowledge

  • Recommended to have finished the Soar with Deno from Learn.
  • Familiarity with Javascript and Typescript.
  • A working development environment of VSCode.

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

  • Explain why Hono is fast.
  • Apply standard Web APIs with Hono.
  • Build simpler backend code with Hono.

Tutorial Steps

Total steps: 7

  • Step 1: Installing Deno
  • Step 2: Preparing Your Project
  • Step 3: What is Hono?
  • Step 4: Installing Postman
  • Step 5: Why Hono is Fast? And Does It Matter?
  • Step 6: Let's Experiment with Routes
  • Step 7: Stacking It Up!

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