
Step into DeFi

6 steps

Welcome to the first tutorial into the world of DeFi! This tutorial introduces developers to the foundational concepts of decentralized finance (DeFi). We'll start with the non-technical aspects, providing a solid understanding before moving on to the more technical elements in future quests.

Let’s Begin!

Helpful prior knowledge

  • There are no pre-requisites

Learning Outcomes

By the end of your learning, you will be able to:

  • Describe what is DeFi
  • Explain how DeFi works
  • Identify the use cases unlocked by DeFi

Tutorial Steps

Total steps: 6

  • Step 1: Introduction to DeFi
  • Step 2: How Does DeFi Work?
  • Step 3: Overview of DeFi Ecosystem
  • Step 4: Stablecoins
  • Step 5: Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)
  • Step 6: Decentralized Money Markets

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