
Mobile Application Development with React Native

4 tutorials

The world of mobile application development can be scary at times when starting out, developers have to worry about so many things such as application lifecycle, support for both iOS and Android, application distribution and so much more. Moreover, developing for iOS and Android traditionally will require two separate codebases. Traditionally, iOS Applications will be written in Objective C or in Swift and for Android, will be in Java.

Mobile Application Development has changed so much since the popularity of the smartphone era. Now developers have access to tools and frameworks that allow them to create mobile applications in just one codebase. In this module, we will be using React Native to develop our mobile application. You may recall in the Introduction to React module that you learnt how to create scalable and modern web applications with ReactJS, a JavaScript framework created by Meta. Using similar techniques and concepts, we can create mobile applications that are native to both iOS and Android.

Helpful prior knowledge

  1. ReactJS Basics, Intermediate
  2. JavaScript Basics, Intermediate
  3. Command Line Interface
  4. CSS Basics

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the fundamentals of Mobile Application Development and build your very own mobile application
  2. Install React Native CLI tools into your machine
  3. Perform live reload using Expo Go
  4. Build native mobile applications with various components such as Text, View, and Touchable Opacity
  5. Master the techniques of React Native and building scalable views
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