
Reviewing Web Technologies, Tools and Processes

4 steps

In this tutorial, we will be discussing the important parts of the web that makes it as a whole. This will be just a gist of some tools that you need to familiarise yourself for the upcoming campaigns in the future that involve web technologies i.e. frontend and backend frameworks for the web, serving your website and app and some basic methods about HTTP requests and responses.

Especially as Rust has a growing ecosystem on the web, let’s buckle up and learn!

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Helpful prior knowledge

Recommended to have some familiarity with Rust syntax. Want to learn Rust first before diving in? Check out our Rust Learn Pathway

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this campaign, you will be able to:

  • Learn basic HTTP protocols
  • Review cURL and Postman commands
  • Apply this knowledge when building your web applications in Rust

Tutorial Steps

Total steps: 4

  • Step 1: Gists of HTTP Protocols
  • Step 2: Exploring Request and Responses Using cURL
  • Step 3: Exploring Request and Responses Using Postman
  • Step 4: Stacking It Up!

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