
Version Control Basics with Git and GitHub

3 tutorials

Somewhere along your developer journey, someone is going to tell you to set up a GitHub repo. These days, with the need to have online portfolios to prove your worth, you’re likely to hear this piece of advice sooner rather than later.

So you set up an account, explore GitHub and realize there’s this thing called version control—that version control is a nifty little thing that makes development, especially collaborative development so much smoother—that Git is actually one of the most popular developer tools for version control. Perhaps you even realize that Git and GitHub are not the same company!

If version control and Git are not yet a part of your developer toolset, this module will give you an introduction to them.

Helpful prior knowledge

  • There are no pre-requisites

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, players would have:

  • Learnt about version control and Git
  • Set up their own local version control system with Git
  • Practiced executing basic Git commands
  • Set up a GitHub account
  • Created a new repository on GitHub
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