
Basic DevOps with Docker

3 tutorials

Docker is a game-changing technology that is widely used and appreciated, particularly in the DevOps ecosystem. Docker has enabled developers to share an isolated environment that allows others to build, test and deploy in a consistent manner, making development extremely efficient and predictable!

The benefits and use cases of containerizing applications to support development and accelerate release are the reasons Docker is a core tool for DevOps. Docker also eliminates the risk of cross-language dependency conflicts and provides a high level of control over all changes.

In a previous module, you learnt how to use GitHub for basic DevOps. In this module, you will be introduced to Docker and will gain an understanding of what Docker is as well as the core Docker commands. Players will also learn how to create their own Docker images and run them as Docker containers. This will guide players along in their journey to familiarizing themselves with helpful tools for working as a developer.

Let's go!

Helpful prior knowledge

  • There are no pre-requisites

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe Docker and the benefits it brings
  • Run Docker CLI commands
  • Build your own Docker image and run the Docker container
  • Use Docker Desktop to manage active images and containers
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