
Practical Applications of Vector Search

6 steps

In this quest, you will dive deeper into the practical applications of vector search by building a text-to-image search system. This hands-on exercise demonstrates how to use vector embeddings to represent both images and text, and perform similarity searches to retrieve relevant results. You’ll work with a pre-trained model (CLIP) to generate embeddings for images and text, store them in a ChromaDB collection, and then perform real-time vector searches to match text queries with the most similar images.

This quest will show you how vector databases like ChromaDB can be used in real-world scenarios such as image retrieval systems, visual search engines, and recommendation systems. By the end, you’ll have a functioning system that takes a natural language description as input and returns the closest matching image from your collection.

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Learning Outcomes

By the end of this quest, you will be able to:

  • Implement text-to-image search using ChromaDB and the CLIP model to generate embeddings.
  • Understand how to create and manage collections in ChromaDB for storing high-dimensional vector data.
  • Generate image and text embeddings using a pre-trained model and leverage these embeddings for similarity searches.
  • Perform vector search queries in ChromaDB to match text descriptions with images.

Tutorial Steps

Total steps: 6

  • Step 1: Environment Setup
  • Step 2: Setting Up ChromaDB
  • Step 3: Loading the Pre-Trained Embedding Model and Ingesting Text Data
  • Step 4: Making Queries and Displaying the Results
  • Step 5: Analysis of the Vector Search Results
  • Step 6: Conclusion

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