
Quest 2 - Web3 Developer Guide to Wallet Integration

STARTS (GMT +08:00)
ENDS (GMT +08:00)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of your learning, you will be able to

  • Describe different tools and SDKs for Wallet and dApp development
  • Explain importance of this SDKs in different situations

Quest Details


In this quest, we’ll be exploring tools and SDKs that are available for Web3 development for Wallet integration and modals or widgets. This overview is non-exhaustive and non-technical guide discussing some solutions from providers to make Web3 development easy for Web3 developers.

📢 Note that there’ll be no rewards available for this quest, so feel free to take your time to thoroughly absorb all the information 🙂 Also, the content from this quest will be tested in our weekly Tuesday quiz on our Discord server.

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This quest has 0 deliverables.

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