
Quest 2 – Routes and Controller

STARTS (GMT +08:00)
ENDS (GMT +08:00)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of your learning, you will be able to

  • Explore the concept of creating a mock blog application as a practical use case for Back End development.
  • Define the concept of primary routing, which represents the main sections or features of your application.
  • Explain how primary routes can have their sub-routes for handling specific functionalities.
  • Split routes into multiple files based on their functionality
  • Create controller files and structure them to handle different aspects of the Back End application.

Quest Details


In Back End Development, there is no preconfigured structure waiting for us; instead, we have the freedom to craft our own folders and files. This inherent flexibility is one of the defining aspects of Back End Development, granting us complete autonomy over the organization of our codebase.

We will construct a mock blog application that mirrors the typical setup of a back end application. Within our 'app.js', the central file of our server, we often encounter a myriad of routes and logic scattered throughout. In practical back end projects, the number of API routes can swell into the tens or even hundreds, necessitating an efficient means of organization.

We will delve into the art of structuring routes by categorizing them into separate files based on their specific functionality. Additionally, we will introduce a "Controller" folder. This dedicated space will house all the intricate application logic responsible for managing the inner workings of the back end. We will create three primary routes, each of which will have its own set of routes and corresponding controllers.


This quest has 1 deliverable.

  1. Screenshot

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