
Quest 4 - Capstone Project: Movie Recommender Application

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STARTS (GMT +08:00)
ENDS (GMT +08:00)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this quest, you will be able to:

  • Create a movie recommender Streamlit application
  • Perform Atlas Vector Search on custom embeddings

Quest Details


Embark on an exciting journey to create a cutting-edge movie recommendation app in this quest! Users can simply type in their preferences and our app, powered by Atlas Vector Search, will cleverly find movies with plots matching their queries.

Leveraging the embedding models from our previous quest and the seamless capabilities of Streamlit, this project promises a hassle-free and interactive user experience. Get ready to dive in, but remember: completing Quest 3 - Atlas Vector Search with Custom Embeddings is a must before you start.

Let's get started! 🎥✨

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This quest has 1 deliverable.

  1. A screenshot of your completed Streamlit application.

This quest is part of a campaign so do check out other quests!

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