
Quest 2 - Introduction to Atlas Vector Search

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STARTS (GMT +08:00)
ENDS (GMT +08:00)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this quest, you will be able to:

  • Describe what Atlas Vector Search is
  • Use OpenAI to vectorize text data
  • Semantically search for data within your database

Quest Details


In the previous quest, we explored Atlas Search in MongoDB Atlas. Now, we're moving on to the focus of this campaign - Atlas Vector Search! This tool is a game-changer for searching high-dimensional vector data, especially relevant in the field of machine learning and AI.

Atlas Vector Search enables efficient searches in vector spaces, a crucial capability for modern, complex data applications. Learning Atlas Vector Search is invaluable for anyone working with AI and machine learning data.

It equips you with advanced skills for handling and querying complex data types, enhancing your data management and analysis capabilities significantly. This knowledge is not just about data retrieval; it's a step into the future of sophisticated data processing.

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This quest has 1 deliverable.

  1. A screenshot of your Python notebook after running a custom query

This quest is part of a campaign so do check out other quests!

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