
hackglobal 2024: Virtual Bounty Season 1

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Mixed Reward Pool


We're excited to introduce a thrilling new element to our hackathon - Virtual Bounties! Regardless of where you're participating from, you now have the chance to embark on virtual quests that reward your creativity, skill, and knowledge with additional points. Dive into diverse challenges and climb up the leaderboard. Embrace this opportunity to showcase your talents, learn, and earn those extra points that could make all the difference. Stay tuned for the unveiling of our first season coming in May 2024!

Dive into our specially curated resources, designed to empower developers with the necessary skills to tackle these bounties!

For developers new to ZetaChain, explore the following resources below that will teach you how to send your first Cross-Chain Messages and write Omnichain Swap Contracts. Unlock the potential of seamless cross-chain communications and interoperability on ZetaChain!

For developers new to Aptos, don't miss out on our ongoing Move on Aptos Campaign where you can access quests to kickstart your developer journey on Aptos!

Please click on step 5 of each quest, to access the submission portal for each bounty.

Learning Outcomes

Virtual Bounties are online challenges that complement the 9 hackathons in The Global Hackathon Series. They allow participants from anywhere in the world to engage in unique, creative and skill-based tasks. These bounties are designed to reward innovation, problem-solving, and technical prowess with additional “globes”, enhancing your position on the overall leaderboard, thus increasing your chances of making it to the Grand Finals happening in Singapore in October 2024.

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