
Quest 3 - Write Your First Smart Contract on aelf

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STARTS (GMT +08:00)
ENDS (GMT +08:00)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this quest, you will be able to:

  • Configure your development environment to start building on aelf
  • Write a smart contract
  • Unit test a smart contract
  • Deploy a smart contract

Quest Details


After exploring the various dApps on aelf, it’s time to shift the focus and get to building ⚒️

In this quest, you will experience what it's like writing smart contracts on aelf where you will get to leverage on specifically designed contract templates to simplify the overall development experience! Furthermore, you will get to write test cases to enforce and solidify the logic of your smart contract and finally deploy your smart contract on the aelf testnet!

This quest is definitely not to be missed as it is specifically designed to equip you with the necessary foundation of writing smart contracts on aelf, setting you up perfectly for the upcoming capstone application in the upcoming quests!

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Let’s Begin!


This quest has 1 deliverable.

  1. Submit a screenshot of your aelf explorer page which shows your deployed smart contract

This quest is part of a campaign so do check out other quests!

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