
Building an API Client Library with Rust I







The world is intricately connected by billions of electronic devices, with people communicating with friends and family through email and messaging apps. Meanwhile, others are absorbed in a sea of online activities, from web browsing to collaborating on Discord servers and crafting innovative solutions using programming languages like Rust.

In this campaign, we'll embark on an exciting journey to visit the world of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and explore effective approaches for learning them. We'll also introduce you to two indispensable tools that will help you learn the basics of APIs and empower you to create your own API library from scratch - all in the powerful language of Rust! 💪

Buckle up and let’s get started!

For technical help on the StackUp platform & quest-related questions, join our Discord, head to the 🆘 | quest-help-forum channel and look for the correct thread to ask your question.

If it is your first time learning Rust, please head to the Rust Pathway. We recommend you to complete all the tutorials to acquire the prerequisites. Otherwise, you might find this quest difficult.


  • Familiarity with Rust semantics and syntax
  • Basic understanding of Rust data-types

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this campaign, you will be able to:

  • Know how APIs work
  • Use cURL effectively to explore APIs
  • Use Postman effectively to explore APIs
  • Analyse communication between requesting to and getting a response from an API
  • Create your own API library in Rust with the help of serde-rs
  • Test your API library to make it reliable

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