
Authentication and Authorisation with ExpressJS

STARTS (GMT +08:00)
ENDS (GMT +08:00)

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to

  • Issue a cookie to the client browser containing the user’s information and the account role
  • Combine the skill of Authentication and Authorisation into a project usage
  • Protect the back-end routes with the authentication and authorisation middleware
  • Create a complete administrative dashboard to manage the users’ data
  • Prevent unauthorised access using Authorisation by determine the various account role

Quest Details


We will put together everything you have learned here. When creating software, we want to safeguard our clients’ online safety. As a standard practice, we write authentication and authorisation algorithms.
We will be creating a simplified user membership system that has 2 distinct users – the member and the administrator. The platform will also allow anyone to register and login. When the member logs in, they will be able to amend their profile and data that the platform collects. On the other hand, the administrator will be able to log in and amend everyone’s information and data. They will have access to everyone’s data. We will be placing our authentication and authorisation algorithms into this project as well to protect our users’ data and prevent unauthorised logins.
Through this project, you will be able to identify the areas where authentication and authorisation is utilised. Without further ado, let us get started!
You are advised to complete this tutorial on your local device, which will use the URL in our project. If you are using a cloud development environment such as Gitpod or Codespaces, look out for notes on edits you might need to make.

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This quest has 1 deliverable.

  1. Screenshot

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