Advanced State Management with Redux Toolkit in React

Welcome to the Advanced State Management with Redux Toolkit in React campaign.
In this campaign, we will discuss why Redux Toolkit exists and the importance of state management.
We will also discuss how it works and when we should use or not use Redux Toolkit on our projects.
We will then apply that knowledge that we have built up so far on a quest.
Lastly, we are going to challenge you to build a DIY eCommerce page, applying what you have learned from the quest!
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- Familiarity with Javascript
- Recommended to have React and some Typescript knowledge
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:
- Build dynamic and complex applications easily with Redux
- Mix and match state management as per component or globally
Quest 1 - Introduction To Redux Toolkit
PastNo Reward494 PlayersView Quest
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Quest 2 - Advanced Redux Toolkit Features
PastNo Reward301 PlayersView Quest
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Quest 3 - Building a Real-World Application with Redux Toolkit
Past$4 Reward817 PlayersView Quest
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Bounty - Build an eCommerce Site
Past$25 Reward214 PlayersView Quest
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